Why Chocolate is Made for Lovers

There are many things that say they are made for lovers, but chocolate stands above the rest. It is delicious, beautiful to look at and offered on Valentine’s Day. What more could two people in love ask for?


We have heard this word at least once. They are things that can set the heart aflutter and get us “in the mood.” Oysters belong to this category, but there are more palatable foods like chocolate for instance. Maybe chocolate-covered oysters, but that may inspire different feelings in the pit of your stomach.

So, here’s the history. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans loved the way drinking chocolate made them feel. Now, remember this isn’t like hot cocoa. It’s a drink seasoned with spices made from the paste of crushed cocoa beans. It was bitter but, the effects of the cocoa were what they noticed.

And, it didn’t escape the notice of royalty. Montezuma used chocolate as a way to get him in the right frame of mind to satisfy his harem of concubines. Seeing the change in himself, chocolate was reserved for those of high station.

So, what is it about chocolate? Well, chocolate contains phenylethylamine. It is released in the brain when we feel love or pleasure of any kind. There are also other natural substances in the brain – dopamine and serotonin – that are present in chocolate. They are stimulants which pep us up and keep us in a good mood.

Add to that theobromine. It is found in chocolate and acts as a mood enhancer much like St. John’s Wort. You feel good without having to take anything to get that way.

It’s the perfect storm. You are with someone that you love, eating chocolate and feeling less inhibited. In combination, it sounds like an occasion for romance.

But, all chocolate is not created the same. The enhancing effects are a result of the chocolate, specifically cocoa solid

s. In chocolate that is mostly sugar, milk and fat, the effects are reduced. If you want to increase the effect, try melted dark chocolate alone or over strawberries. Darker chocolate has more cocoa than milk chocolate or white chocolate.

 Dark chocolate is not as sweet as milk chocolate but we are craving the effects not the chocolate itself. But, chocolate can’t do it all alone. It seems like it works better when you are already in the mood for love. The stimulants allow you to feel good about feeling less inhibited so you can enjoy yourself.

Chocolate is for lovers but mostly the darker variety. Mixed with your natural brain stimulants, the results can be explosive.
